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Sunday, 15 May 2016


Higher Secondary (XI)  history multiple choice questions with answers

1.In which age did man become a food producer?
a) stone age                                                 b) Palaeolithic age                          
c) New stone age (Ans)                                d) Iron age.

2. The most important characteristic of the tools of the Mesolithic age was:
a) Very small size  (Ans)                              b) very large size                              
c) Fragility                                                   d) Length.

3. In which age was the potter’s wheel invented?
a) Paleolithic age                                          b) Mesolithic age                             
c) Neolithic age (Ans)                                  d) Chalcolithic age.

4. Which ancient civilization used the cuneiform script?
a) Egypt                                                       b) Sumer (Ans)                                           
c) Babylon                                                   d) India.

5.Which ancient civilization used the hieroglyphic script?
a) Egypt (Ans)                                             b) Sumer                                             
c) Greece                                                     d) Mesopotamia.

6. Rajtarangani is a historical account of
a) Kashmir (Ans)                                        b) Gujrat                                              
c) China                                                      d) Sumer

7. The author of Indika was
a) Polybius                                                   b) Megasathenes (Ans)                           
c) Herodotus                                                d) Thusyclides.

8. During the Harappan age, the people
a) Lived in caves                                          b) carried out agriculture (Ans)
c) knew the use of iron                                 d) used coins.

9. In the Pre-history age man
a) Did know writing  (Ans)                          b) knew agriculture                         
c) Knew the use of iron                                d) carried out foreign trade.

10. In the earlier stage of civilization, man
a) Used iron tools                                         b) used copper tools                      
c) Used bronze tools                                     d) Used stone tools. (Ans)

11. Ancient Egyptians invented
a) How to write on papyrus (Ans)               b) The cuneiform script                  
c) Paper                                                       d) modern script.

12. In the Paleolithic age, man was
a) A food gatherer   (Ans)                           b) A food producer                          
c) A food storer                                            d) One who prepared food.

13. ‘Gilgamesh’ is an epic of the
a)Indians                                                     b) Mesopotamians  (Ans)                       
c) Egyptians                                                 d) Greeks.

14. James Mill was a …………..historian
a) British                                                     b) German                                          
c) Greek                                                       d) Russain.

15. Ancient man used hand-axes in the
a) Palaeolithic age  (Ans)                             b) Mesolithic age                             
c) Neolithic age                                            d) copper-stone age.

16. The meaning of the term ‘Homo habills’ is
a) Erect man                                                b) skillful man (Ans)                                  
c) Intelligent man                                        d) The great Ape.

17. Homo erectus’ means
a) Erect man (Ans)                                      b) skillful man                                    
c) Intelligent man                                        d) The great Ape.

18. The fossils of peking man were discovered
a) Louis Leakey                                           b) Johan Anderson (Ans)                         
c) Elwyn simons                                          d) Pel wen chung.

19. Modern man first appeared on earth in:
a) Asia                                                         b) Africa  (Ans)                                            
c) Europe                                                     d) Australia.

20. Ancient man first domesticated
a) Cows                                                       b) Goats                                              
c) Dogs (Ans)                                              d) Horses.

21. Mahenjo-daro is located on the bank of river
a) Indus (Ans)                                              b) Ravi                                                 
c) Sutlej                                                       d) Beas.

22. In which Harappan site has a bathroom been discovered?
a) Harappa                                                   b) Mahenjo-daro  (Ans)                           
c) Lothal                                                      d) Kalibangan.

23. The great granary of the Harappan civilization was discovered in
a) Harappa(Ans)                                         b) Mahenjo-daro                             
c) Lothal                                                      d) Kalibangan.

24. Egypt was describe as ‘the gift of the Nile’ by
a) Herodotus(Ans)                                       b) Thucydides                                    
c) Pliny                                                        d) Diodotus.

25. In the Paleolithic Age, man
a) Lived by fishing alone                              b) ate fruit and roots                     
c) Lived by hunting and gathering fruits and roots  (Ans)                                          
d) Only collected bird’s egg

26. In the Mesolithic Age, man
a) Used tiny tools made of stone                   b) Used very large stone tools (Ans)
c) Made tools of metal                                  d) Made tools of bronze.

27. The foremost of the Neolithic age was
a) Discovery of iron.                                     b) Discovery of cooper.                      
c) Making of bronze                                     d) Beginning of agriculture. (Ans)

28. The Neolithic age was followed by
a) Cooper stone age. (Ans)                          b) Iron age                                          
c) Mesolithic age                                          d) Ice age.

30. Harappan was located on the …………………river
a) Indus                                                       b) Ravi (Ans)                                                 
c) Sutlej                                                       d) Narmada.

31. ‘Valley of kings’ was the burial ground of……………..
a)  The pharaohs of Egypt(Ans)                   b) The queen of Egypt                   
c) The king of sumker                                  d) The queen of sumer.

32. The foremost invention of the Neolithic age was:
a) The wheel (Ans)                                      b) The plough                                    
c) Bridges                                                    d) Carts.

33. The term ‘Hobo habills’ means
a) Intelligent man                                        b) Skillful man(Ans)                                  
c) Erect man                                                d) unintelligent man.

34. The meaning of term ‘Homo erectus’ is
a) Upright Man (Ans)                                  b) Skillful Man                                   
c) unintelligent man                                    d) Intelligent man

35. The meaning of term ‘Homo sapien’ is
a) Upright Man                                            b) Skillful Man                                   
c) Unintelligent man                                    d) Intelligent man (Ans)

36. The land of Iraq was known as …………in the ancient days:
a) Babylon                                                   b) Mesopotamia (Ans)                             
c) Egypt                                                       d) Iran.

37. The early state were:
a) Greece.  (Ans).                                        b) Macedonia.                                  
c) Persia                                                       d) Iran.

38. Approximately, how many poils develop in the ancient times?
a) 50                                                            b) 500                                                    
c) 1500(Ans)                                              d) 3000.

39. According to Plato, the ideal number of citizens a poils should have is
a) 4,000                                                       b) 5,000 (Ans)                                               
c) 10,000                                                     d) 20,000.

40. How many Janapadas are mentioned in the Ramayana?
a) 16                                                            b) 18                                                      
c) 25                                                            d) 27. (Ans)

41. The first historical monarch of India was
a) Bimbisara                                                b) Ashoka                                           
c) Mahabadma Nanda                                   d) Chandragupt Maurya.(Ans)

42. The founder of Maurya dynasty was
a) Bindusara                                                b) Ashoka                                            
c) Chandragupta Maurya                           d) Brihadratha.

43. the ‘Indica’ was composed by
a) Plutarch                                                   b) Megasthenes.(Ans)                                              
c) Hiuen Tsang                                            d) Seleucus.

44. The characteristic of the Greek city-states were (121)
a) Small-size.(Ans)                                      b) Small population                        
c) huge army                                               d) Monotheism.

45. The most important city state of Greece was
i) Mycenae         ii) Asia minor       iii) Athens            iv) Thebes
Key:       a) (i),     (iii),   (iv) true       (ii) false (Ans)
              b) (i),     (ii),    (iii) true       (iv) false
              c) (i),     (ii),    (iv) true       (iii) false
              d)  (ii),    (iii),   (iv) true       (i) false

46. In the ancient Greek city-states
a) The citizens directly took part in governing the state  (Ans)                                             
b) There were no villages
c) There were large empires                                                                                       
d) There was no sign of democracy

47. Among the Greek city-state
a) Athens was a dictatorship                         b) Sparta was an oligarchy.(Ans)
c) All the city-states were democratic           d) All the city-states were oligarchies

48. The acropolis was
a) The administrative center of the polis(Ans)                b) The market place of the polis
c) The court of the democratic polis                                 d) The execution ground of the oligarchic polis.

49. The Jury court of Athens was called
a) Heliaia                                                     b) Samiti                                               
c)Archon.(Ans)                                           d) Ephor.

50. The administrative centre located on a hil-top was called
a) Octopolis                                                 b) Acropolis.(Ans)                                      
c) Persepolis                                                 d) Necropolis.

51. The polis declined after the attack of
a) Macedon.(Ans)                                        b) Roman                                           
c) Egypt                                                       d) Iran.

52. The Janapadas emerged from
a) Gotra                                                       b) Gram                                                              
c) Jana  (Ans)                                              d) Vish.

53. Patliputra was the capital of
a) Avanti.                                                    b) Koshal                                             
c) Magadha(Ans)                                       d) Vriji.

54. The…………….ambassador Magathenes came to the court of Chandragupta Maurya
a) Persian                                                     b) Greek (Ans)                                            
c) Chinese                                                   d) Roman.

55. The age is called the Golden age of ancient India.
a) Maurya                                                    b)Kushana                                          
c) Satsavahana                                             d) Gupta.

56. Who is described as the Indian Machevelli?
a) Chandragupta Muarya                              b) Kautilya.(Ans)
c) Ashoka                                                    d) Alauddin Khalji.

i) Chanakya
a) Janapada
b)last Maurya Empire
iii) Brihadratha
iv) Chandragupy          Maurya
d)Founder of Maurya dynasty
Ans: (i)---c,(ii)---a,(iii)---b,(iv)---d

i) Janapada
a)Small state in ancient India
b) Ruler of Janapada
c) A few village together
iv) grahapati
d) Head of an Aryan Family.
Ans: (i)---a,(ii)—c,(iii)—b,(iv)—d

59. What is the central theme of ‘Fatwa-i-Jahandri’?
a) Politics (Ans)                                           b) Religion                                          
c) Society                                                    d) Economics.

60.Who is the author of  ‘Fatwa-i-Jahandri’?
a) Islami                                                      b) Siraj                                                 
c) Barani (Ans)                                           d) Afif.

61.Which sultan of Delhi was the first one to be given recognition by the Caliph?
a) Qutubuddin Aibak                                   b) Iltimish (Ans)                                            
c) Balban                                                     d) Allauddin Khalji

62. Which emperor started the Mansabdari system?
a) Aluaddin Khalji                                       b) Akbar  (Ans)                                                   
c) Jahangir                                                   d) Shah Jahan

63. Other name of Kautilya were
a) Chanakya  (Ans)                                     b)Vishnugupta                                  
c) Shama Shahtri                                         d) Vishnusharma

64. In 1905, Dr.Shama Shastri discovered the book………..
A) Arthashastra. (Ans)                                b) Mudrarakshasa.           
c) Rajatarangini.                                          d)Fatwa-i-jahandari.

65.Cicero believed in the ….. form of government.
a) Monarchy.                                               b)Republicanism  (Ans)           
c) Oligarchy                                                 d)Nihilism/tyranny

66. The author of ‘THE PRINCE’ is…………..
a)Thomas Cromwell                                     b)Machiavelli  (Ans)                  
c) Locke                                                      d)Rousseau

67…..Is regarded as the father of modern political thought.
a) Machiavelli                                              b) Hobbes                            
c) Locke                                                      d) Rousseau

68. The first theorist of the democratic form of government was…………….
a) Machiavelli (Ans)                                    b)Locke                                                
c) Hobbes                                                    d)Rousseau

69.  “Two treatises of government” is the most important book of……………..
a) Hobbes                                                    b) Locks (Ans)                                
c) Rousseau                                                 d) Montesquieu

70.The system of Satrapy existed in…………
a) Persia (Ans)                                            b)Egypt                                                
c) China                                                      d) Arabia

71. Most of the Roman slaves were
a) Local                                                       b) Foreign (Ans)                          
c) Educated                                                  d) Independent.

72.In the rigveda,those referd to as ‘desas’ or desyus’ were
a) Ksatriyas.                                                 b) Vaishyas.                         
c) Shudras                                                   d) Non-Aryans. (Ans)

73. The Iqta system was introduces by
a) Qutb-ud-din Aibak                                   b) Iltutmish (Ans)                        
c) Razia                                                       d) Balban.

74. Delos was a huge market for buying and selling-------
a) Agriculture goods.                                    b) slaves. (Ans)                              
c) cattle                                                       d) serfs

75. A freed slaves called ----------
a) Manomissio.                                            b) Libertus.(Ans)                          
c) Verne                                                      d) Gladiators.

76.  The teille was a kind of ------------ tax.
a) Religious                                                 b) Property (Ans)                         
c) Production                                               d) Income.

77. How many kinds of marriage are listed in the Arthshastre?
a) 4 type.                                                     b) 5 type                              
c) 8 type.  (Ans)                                           d) 12 type.

78. The only women ruler of the sultanate period was
a) Mumtaz Mahal                                        b) Nur jahan                       
c) Ladli Begum                                            d) Razia. (Ans)

79. The missionaries Ashoka sent to Ceylon to propagate Bhuddism were
a) Mahandira and sanghmitra (Ans)           b) Dharamarakshit           
c) Madhyantarik                                           d) Maharakshit

80. That there were no slaves in India during the Mauryan period was the opinion of
a) Kautilya (Ans).                                        b) Fa-Hien                           
c) Magashthenes                                          d) Hiuen Tsang.

81. In the sultanate age the personal slaves if the sultans were called
a) Bandegan-i-chahelgan                              b)Baudegan-i-khas   (Ans)     
c) Dabir khas                                               d) Dewan-i-khas

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