science (213)
any one out of the following four questions in about 40 to 60 words.
any two activities which made the early primitive humans different from the
human beings we see today?
Ans: The two differences that made the early primitive
humans different from the human being we see today are
early primitive human being lived in cave and found food by hunting but modern
human being lives in house and they found their food by agriculture.
The early primitive human being did not lived as a society but modern human
being lives in society.
any one out of the following four questions in about 40-60 words.
‘Biodiversity is very significant for the
survival of human beings.' Mention any two points in support of this argument.
c) ‘Biodiversity is very significant for the
survival of human beings.' Mention any two points in support of this argument.
Ans: Biodiversity is fundamental to the
existence of life on the earth. Its significance cannot be underestimated.
There are varieties of living things that exist in a given physical
environment. These are interdependent and interrelated in the form of an
ecosystem. Ecosystem is extremely valuable in different facets of human life
which includes the following:
i) Providing food, water, fiber, fuel etc.
ii) Regulating of climate and disease (For
example: people are suffering from cold and cough in winters and stomach
infections in monsoon etc
any one out of the following four questions in about 40-60 words
b) “Election Commission of India has a list of
functions for holding free and fair elections”. Which two functions do you
think, are very important for achieving this objective?
Ans: The two most
important function of Election commission of India are:
1. Ensure free and fair elections in the country;
Supervise, direct and control the entire election machinery; preparation of
electoral roll;
Answer any
one out of the following four questions in about 100-150 words
b) List any four
social practices which are still prevalent despite several reforms movements
and government regulations and suggest how you would challenge these social
Four Social Practices that are
still prevalent despite several reforms movement and government regulation are:
Ø The Caste System: This caste
system, which was purely based on occupation, had become hereditary. A person
born in a particular caste could not change his/ her caste even though they
might have changed their work. This created inequality in society. It also led
to the exploitation of the lower castes. Still there are caste prejudices in
the society and lower caste people are being exploited.
Ø Dowry: Dowry is one of the most prevalent social practices. Many poor
parents find it difficult to marry their daughter due dowry.
Ø Position of Women:
The position of woman in society is not equal with man. In education boy child is
preferred to a girl child. Better food and clothing are provided to boy child
than a girl child.
Ø The Prevalent Religious Practices: The
religious Practices are still relevant in our society. The poor are worst
suffer who does not have mean to
practice such things.
any one out of the following four questions in about 100-150 words.
a) “Indian democracy
over a period of time has faced a lot of challenges for her smooth
functioning”. In support of this statement, identify and explain any two major
challenges which are still a great threat to the successful functioning of
democracy in India.
Ans: These are discussed below.
Illiteracy Illiteracy among people was a
matter of grave concern for the successful functioning of democracy in India on
the eve of independence and it still continues to be a major challenge. The
level of education of citizens is a key to both the successful functioning of
democracy and socio-economic development of the country. And perhaps, more
importantly, it is an essential condition for human dignity. But the state of
formal literacy was almost dismal when India achieved independence. The
literacy rate in 1951 was mere 18.33 per cent and female literacy was
negligible with 8.9 percent. It was, therefore, feared by many that the
citizens would not be able to play their roles effectively and exercise their
right to vote meaningfully which is an individual’s expression of the power of
the people.
It is generally said that for a
hungry person right to vote does not have any meaning. For him/her the first
requirement is food. Therefore, poverty is considered as the greatest bane of
democracy. It is, in fact, the root cause of all kinds of deprivations and
inequalities. It is the state of denial of opportunities to people to lead a
healthy and fulfilling life. Poverty in the contemporary phase is linked with systemic
deprivation of rights. It is also associated with the notion of Human
Development Index (HDI) as championed by Mabud-ul-Haq and Amartya Sen. Viewed
from the HDI perspective, the definition of poverty also includes
socio-economic-political and human rights issues under its ambit.
any one Project out of the four given below:
Prepare a list of four different social organizations working in
your area. Find out the main objectives and functions of each organization and
make a table as below. Which organization will you like to join and why?
Name of The Organisation
Main objectives
Association of aims and Scopes(AAS)
financial help to poor student in elementary education
Provides free remedial classes to the students of
VI to VIII. Gives financial help to meritorious and poor student of class XI
& XII science stream.
Sir Syed Welfare society
Financial help to poor women
Provides financial help to poor women. Make
arrangement for wedding of poor girl.
Child and Child
Help street children
Provides education to street children. Care about
nutrient requirement of street children
help girls child
make arrangement for vocational training of girl.
Given the chance I will join AAS as it promotes elementary education
among the poor. Only education can provide
an opportunity to an individual educational upliftment.